PMP10531.3, Isolated Octal-output Fly-Buck Bias for IGBT Driver - Reference Design for 3-phase AC motor and inverter applications

Reference design by: Texas Instruments

PMP10531.3, Isolated Octal-output Fly-Buck Bias for IGBT Driver - Reference Design for 3-phase AC motor and inverter applications

PMP10531.3, Isolated Octal-output Fly-Buck Bias for IGBT Driver - Reference Design for 3-phase AC motor and inverter applications, It takes 24V nominal input and provides 4 isolated sets of (+15V, -8V) bias voltage. The board is designed to provide driver bias power for 6 IGBTs in 3-phase configuration: 3 sets of outputs for the 3 top side IGBTs with 100mA output current, and 1 set of 300mA outputs for all the bottom IGBTs