TIDM-LPBP-TCHMP3PLAYER, MP3 Encoder/Decoder with capacitive touch interface, OLED display and amp, SD card mass storage

Reference design by: Texas Instruments

TIDM-LPBP-TCHMP3PLAYER, MP3 Encoder/Decoder with capacitive touch interface, OLED display and amp, SD card mass storage

TIDM-LPBP-TCHMP3PLAYER, MP3 Encoder/Decoder with capacitive touch interface, OLED display and amp, SD card mass storage. The Audio Capacitive Touch design module is a plug in board for the MSP430 LaunchPad development kit (MSP-EXP430G2). This Design features several capacitive touch elements including a scroll wheel, button and proximity sensor, 9 LEDs that provide instant feedback as users interact with the capacitive touch elements. The TMS320C5535 DSP and TLV320AIC3204 CODEC also provide MP3 encoding and decoding capabilities. On-board USB, microSD card, OLED display and headset interface round out the system